Thermo-graphic Comparison of a Human Body Before and After Ingesting Ormus

By: Lazaro Michael Gonzalez

Co-Author: Chris Emmons RPh

October 7, 2012


[Authors Note: This is a pioneering report of thermo-graphic comparison on a human body before and after Ormus.  The report displays an important aspect of Ormus ingestion and the researchers believe this area of research warrants further study.]


 An investigation was made to determine if effects from ingesting Ormus could be detected by comparing the variation of response using infrared detecting equipment.

Infrared (IR) technology was discovered in 1800 by British astronomer Sir William Herschel. Advances in the use of the technology have included infrared imaging that does not require a direct contact with the subject.

This technology also called thermal imaging, thermography or D.I.T.I. (Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging), detect and then record energy signatures caused by heat patterns or temperature changes in objects.  The equipment is called a thermal imager and is also referred to as infrared imagers, thermal cameras, or infrared cameras.  This equipment scans within a particular window of the electromagnetic spectrum and displays the energy signature as a color-based scale that utilizes color ranging from blue to red.  Detailed specifications of the infrared imaging equipment used in this study follow the report.


Displayed below is the color-based scale utilized in the report.  The scale begins with the coolest temperature which displays as violet and rises to the top of the scale with the color white which signifies the highest heat recorded.  In between these two end point colors are observed shades of blue,green,yellow and red. Each color has an attributable temperature range associated with it,  The range of recorded temperatures in this study is between 77°F  and 98°F.

Utilizing the electromagnetic spectrum in the sciences is a routine procedure.  Heat lamps, SOFIA [Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy] and thermal imaging record and graph the electromagnetic spectrum that lies just below the visible spectrum1.  X-rays, CT scans [computed tomography], MRI’s [magnetic resonance imaging] and ultrasound record the electromagnetic spectrum that lies above the visible. 

Infrared radiation occupies the region between the visible and the microwave ranges of the spectrum.  All objects in the universe emit radiation in the infrared region as a function of their temperature.  As an object becomes hotter [warmer] it emits more intense infrared radiation and it radiates at a shorter wavelength.  The human eye cannot detect infrared rays but the rays can be detected using infrared detectors (thermal imagers).  While eyes can detect wavelengths in the range of 0.4 to 0.7 micrometers, infrared radiation covers wavelengths from 0.75 micrometers to 1,000 micrometers.  In thermal imaging the energy signature within this range is recorded and can be displayed as a color-based scale utilizing color from blue to red. The results obtained are totally objective. 

Temperature has been a long-established indicator of health in the body. Infrared imaging is unique in its capability to show with reliable and sensitive means, physiological change and metabolic processes by graphically mapping and displaying skin surface temperature.  In the human, it can display subjective feelings by objectively displaying changes in the skin surface temperature. 

Infrared imagers can show a combined effect of the autonomic nervous system and the vascular system all the way down to the level of the capillaries. The effects of these changes show as asymmetries in temperature distribution on the surface of the body.

Consequently, if temperature fluctuation occurs after Ormus ingestion its presence serves as an indicator of altered biological activity.


The study began with a working hypothesis that energy signature in a human body, may change after ingestion of the Ormus material and be recorded as change in heat [temperature] by an infrared thermal imager.

To prepare for the study, the human body, which has been taking Ormus for 5 years, remained Ormus-free for six days prior to infrared imaging.  The subject changed from street clothes into a two piece bathing suit to perform the study.

Ormus appears to benefit life as reports on plants and animals given the material demonstrate observable increase in vibrancy and stamina.  The term “Ormus” has been used for many centuries. Currently, the word identifies transition elements in an altered state-possibly micro cluster or monatomic size.  Most prominent of these elements are gold, silver, copper and the platinum group although the words Ormus, orme and M-state-all are generic terms-apply to any element, normally metallic found in a spectroscopically “invisible” non-metallic form. In this other form they are not toxic.  These terms apply regardless of the relative effectiveness of the element or which Ormus collection method was used to obtain them. Prior to the 1970’s Ormus were unknown to science because they did not show up in common scientific tests.

The Ormus material used during the study was collected from both reconstituted sea [made by dissolving Dead Sea salt into distilled water] and Pacific Ocean water purchased through

Infrared images were taken of a human body prior to Ormus and 10 minutes after ingesting 1 oz [two tablespoons] of the Ormus material.

The images were taken by Lazaro Michael Gonzalez.  Mr. Gonzalez has been using infrared imaging equipment in Ormus research since 2000.  The human subject is a 55 year old healthy white female.

The before and after infrared images were compared as shown below.

The following images quantitatively demonstrate increased energy signatures within the human body after ingesting Ormus. During the evaluation period it became apparent that significant increased energy signatures occurred within specific areas of the body.  These locations coincided with energy centers in the body that Eastern Philosophies termed Chakra areas.

Because many of the increased energy signatures after Ormus ingestions, occurred in these energy centers of the body, Chakra explanation and terminology are included in the report



There are seven major Chakra energy centers in the body.  These are the Crown, Brow, Throat, Heart, Solar plexus, Navel and Base (Root). In Eastern philosophy each chakra is believed to be linked to a physiological endocrine gland via nerve plexus and in this manner directly affects that gland. The endocrine system consists of several organs in the body, including the pituitary, thyroid, adrenal and parathyroid glands, the pancreas, testes or ovaries and kidneys. This complex network of organs provides the key communication and control link between the nervous system and bodily functions such as reproduction, immunity, metabolism and behavior.  Therefore the endocrine system is the most important physiological system in the body2.

Each gland in the endocrine system releases or absorbs specific hormones and these affect the body. Within this action lies a correlation between chakras, the endocrine system and emotional state in an individual. Therefore, Chakra activity is thought to have a strong influence on the psychological functioning of the mind2.

It may be that an increased level of energetics in the physiological gland and surrounding areas after Ormus ingestion also indicate an increase energy signature in its corresponding endocrine activity. This warrants further research as it may carry an importance in explaining subjective feelings expressed by those who take the Ormus material. Examples include comments such as having a feeling of more” alert” and more” calm” in mind and body …as the need arises. 


The Major Chakras and associated endocrine gland









Solar Plexus




Base (Root)


(Note: There are many minor chakras and these include the back of the knees, base of the feet, palms of the hands, the temple, jaw, mouth, ear, elbow and in the eyes. Significant increased energy signatures observed in this pioneer study indicate that areas of the minor chakras warrant further research and study.) For those interested, many reports can be found on chakras and their psychological and physical function. This includes the work of Dr. Thornton WJA Streeter D.Sc. BRCP and John R Rogerson via CHEFR (The Centre for Human Energy Field Research).


We will focus on infrared images, one set at a time, taken of specific areas within the body.

Head, Brow, and Throat areas

The first set of images includes three areas of a human body displayed in one infrared image. These are the head, brow and throat. Observe the infrared changes before Ormus [Fig 1] and after Ormus [Fig 2].


Figure 1.   Thermo-graphic image of head, brow and throat areas of Ormus free subject.


Figure 2.  Thermo-graphic image of head, brow and throat areas of subject taking Ormus

Head area

We begin the report with observation of the overall head area.  The infrared images show that after Ormus there has been a significant expansion of energy in this area.  When the head area—the brain—displays greater energetics, we may expect the number of thoughts and perhaps even the quality of thought to be different.  When a mind is renewed there is a different mindset which then affects its thoughts and choices. 

The observation of increase energy signature in the head area raises intriguing possibilities 

Brow area

The brow area prior to Ormus [Fig 1] shows very little energy signature. After Ormus [Fig 2] a significantly expanded energy signature has formed across the entire area.

In Eastern philosophies the brow area is the location of the third eye and is referred to as the third eye chakra.  The third eye is located between and a little above the eyebrows.  In these cultures it is thought that this chakra is the area of psychic seeing and intuition is the area where the vision of the higher creative self is held and is the center for higher mental consciousness.  In addition, this area is thought to influence other local areas such as the lower brain, brain stem, left eye, nasal cavity and cellular regeneration activities that occur within the pituitary gland2,3.


Throat Area:

The throat area before Ormus [Fig 3] shows relatively little energy signature.  After Ormus [Fig 4] the entire throat area shows increased energy signature.

This area is referred to as the throat chakra in Eastern philosophies where it is thought that this chakra is involved with expression and communication including speaking, listening (or not listening), compulsion to speak or difficulty to speak. Higher energetics in the throat chakra is also thought by some to lead to greater development and perhaps an ability to exercise psychic hearing, sensing or feeling2,3.

These images display an expansion of energy in the head, brow, and throat after Ormus.  This is sometimes referred to as an “opening” of energy.

Back of head

Next we show an infrared image of the back of a human head before Ormus ingestion and after. Observe the infrared changes before Ormus [Fig 3] and after Ormus [Fig 4].

Figure 3.   Thermo-graphic image of back of Ormus-free subject’s head

Figure 4.  Thermo-graphic image of back of subject’s head after ingesting Ormus

The infrared images show that after Ormus there has been a significant expansion of energy in the head area—this time at the back of the head.  When the head area—the brain—displays greater energetics, we may expect the number of thoughts and even perhaps the quality of thought to be different. 

This area is referred to as the crown chakra in Eastern philosophies where it is thought that this chakra (or possibly the brow chakra) is the location that Universal energy enters the body.  In this way, the crown chakra is related to pure consciousness sometimes referred to as ultimate truth and that opening (energizing) this chakra contains the experience of spiritual enlightenment considered a supreme step in human evolution. It may be that spiritual enlightenment at its very core is a ‘consciousness’ which intuits or feels insights or wisdoms that cause life to be more workable2,3.

Before Ormus [Fig 3] shows an energy pattern shaped as a small tight core enveloped by another energy signature that is more diffuse.  Both of these areas lie at the top of the head. They are shown enclosed within a circle. 

After Ormus [Fig 4] the energy signature has significantly increased and shows that the core of energy in the middle has dramatically widened and lengthened. The diffuse energy pattern which surrounds the core has also widened and lengthened. Each of the two energy patterns has significantly increased (expanded).  They are shown enclosed within a circle.

These pictures display that there has been a significant expansion of energy in the head area after Ormus.  This is sometimes referred to as an “opening” of energy.


Solar Plexus

Next we look at the solar plexus area. Observe the infrared changes before Ormus [Fig]. 5 and after Ormus [Fig 6].

The solar plexus area prior to Ormus ingestion [Fig 5] shows relatively little energy signature. After Ormus [Fig 6] there is an expanded area of energy encased in an amoeba-like shell. 

Figure 5. Thermo-graphic image of solar plexus when Ormus-free or “normal”

                             (area classified as normal)

Figure 6.  Thermo-graphic image of solar plexus after ingesting Ormus

This area is referred to as the Solar Plexus Chakra in Eastern philosophies and  it is thought that this chakra houses ego and intuition where ego involves how we think about ourselves and the world and intuition is a type of spiritual voice that causes feelings of knowing which choices are more spiritually sound2,3.

Before Ormus [Fig 5] shows an area of energy enveloped by an amoeba-like shell.  The free-forming shell displays a heightened energy signature when compared to the ball of energy contained within it.  Both of these areas lie within a roundish energy pattern located near the middle of the solar plexus. Both of these energy patterns are shown enclosed within a circle.

After Ormus [Fig 6] shows that the area within the amoeba-like shell has expanded its energy signature while maintaining the same general shape and the free-forming shell that holds this energy signature has significantly widened (increased).  The energy pattern that surrounds these two energy signatures has also significantly increased. 

The significantly increased energy pattern in the solar plexus area is shown enclosed within a circle. 

These pictures display that there has been a significant expansion of energy in the Solar Plexus after Ormus.  This is sometimes referred to as an “opening” of energy.

Heart Area

Next we focus on the heart area. Observe the infrared changes before Ormus [Fig 7] and after Ormus [Fig 8].

The heart area prior to Ormus [Fig 7] shows relatively little energy signature.  After Ormus [Fig 8] there is an expanded area of energy.

Figure 7.  Thermo-graphic image of Heart area in Ormus free subject





Figure 8.  Thermo-graphic image of Heart area in subject taking Ormus

This area is referred to as the heart chakra in Eastern Philosophies and it is thought that this chakra is associated with love; Including the love associated with healing, as well as serving as a bridge between the lower and upper chakras. When the lower and upper areas are well connected via the heart bridge, the result is feeling energetically integrated or whole [at peace] resulting in the possibility that that love can be experienced clearly (without confusion or drama) which includes the ability to both give and receive.  In addition, the philosophy teaches that this chakra contains the energetic knowledge of life purpose and that when this purpose is followed the heart area feels more receptive, open and balanced2,3.

The heart area prior to Ormus [Fig 7] shows relatively little energy signature. We have traced a line around the heart area.

After Ormus [Fig 8] an expanded area of energy signature has formed throughout the heart area. We have traced a line around the newly formed energy signature.  

These pictures display that there has been a significant expansion of energy in the heart area after Ormus.  This is sometimes referred to as an “opening” of energy.


Mid-lower back

Next we show an infrared image taken of the mid to lower back of the human body before Ormus ingestion and after. Observe the infrared changes before Ormus [Fig 9] and after Ormus [Fig 10].

The mid-lower back prior to Ormus [Fig 9] shows an energy signature in the shape of a thick rectangle. After Ormus [Fig 10] the energy pattern expands. 


Figure 9.  Thermo-graphic image of Mid-lower back area in Ormus-free subject



Figure 10.  Thermo-graphic image of Mid-lower back area of subject after ingesting Ormus


This area, which includes the hips, legs, lower back and sexual organs is referred to as the Base (Root) chakra in Eastern Philosophies.  This chakra is thought to bring an expansive and healthy emotional state through connection with the larger “powerful active creative energetic energies” that exist around.  This leads to creative endeavors which add pleasure and fun to life Examples of creative pursuits include: Birthing a child, expressive writing, flower arranging, woodworking, landscape design… etc2,3.

Within this area, Kundalini energy is thought to emanate up from the base of the spine.  A belief is that Kundalini energy, when aroused or awakened, results in the development of an expanded consciousness that allows for greater general awareness, a greater awareness of the truth and even the achievement of mystical illumination and bliss2,3.

The lower back before Ormus [Fig 9] shows an energy signature in the shape of a thick rectangle that rises up from the base of the spine to just under the strap of the swimsuit. 

After Ormus [Fig 10] shows that the energy pattern expands.  It travels farther up the spine all the way to the strap of the swimsuit in the same thick rectangular shape and then continues above the strap in a thinner trailing shape.    

These pictures display that there has been a significant expansion of energy in the mid-lower back area after Ormus.  This is sometimes referred to as an “opening” of energy.



The images in this report demonstrate positive quantitative changes in energy signatures and patterns within a human body after Ormus ingestion.  The following areas of the human body that displayed significant increases include: Head, brow and throat [Fig 2], back of head [Fig 4], solar plexus [Fig 6], heart [Fig 8] and mid-lower back [Fig 10]. 


The increased energy signatures within a human body may carry an importance in the subjective feelings expressed by those who take the Ormus material. These include :

§         A type of calmness which results in feeling “grounded” or “centered”.

§         Clarity of thought

§         Contentment and well being that result in an ability to remain in the “present” moment (even if a past moment or event has been irritating).

§         Ability to “handle” stress.

§         Awareness of a “life force” that is everywhere which results in a feeling of spiritual connectedness or “oneness” with the universe.

§         “Insights” that light the consciousness and seem to tutor in a way to cause a change in ones “way of being”.

§         A deep seated understanding that “all is ok” and this understanding affects the reaction to occurrences during the day.

§         Knowing or recognizing “truth” such as when hearing something or reading something or even just when thinking.

Because of these feelings, those who take Ormus report that life appears more workable or easier and the impossible becomes possible.




For example: The subjective feeling of the human subject prior to Ormus ingestion was sorrow due to an occurrence 3 days earlier.  Emotional pain with agitation was experienced and there was a lack of desire to participate in life activities.


After Ormus the subject described feeling an awareness of how life is more than a single individual event.  Through the knowing, recognizing or understanding of this truth, there was acceptance of life as it presented itself and life felt better. The impossible had become possible as the subject was both able to acknowledge the event and set aside the feeling of sorrow.  



Final Thought

An effect of ingesting the Ormus material includes increase in infrared energy signatures within the body.  While this may not be entirely responsible for the effects of Ormus described by those who take the material, it may carry an influence or importance.    

We feel the infrared images displayed in this report demonstrate an important aspect of ingesting Ormus and that this area of research warrants further study. Included in the study could be thermo-graphic comparison of a human body before and after topically applied Ormus material.

Following are specifications of the infrared imager used in this study.


Chris after Ormus

Image Range

78.3°F to 96.3°F

Camera Model


Camera Serial Number


DSP Version


OCA Version



Lens Description


Image Time

10/7/2009 10:37:03 AM

Calibration Range

-7.6°F to 257.0°F

Image Info
















Report by


Lazaro Michael Gonzalez

Lazaro's Green Service, llc.



1)       Popular Science: “Scopes on a Plane” March 2010

2)       “Energy Field Imaging with Polycontrast Interference Photography” by Dr Thornton WJA Streeter D.Sc. BRCP and John R. Rogerson [April 2004]

3)       Michael Kane: