Thermo-graphic Comparison of a Bird Body Before and After Ormus

By: Chris Emmons RPh

April 21, 2013


Ormus: Some essential minerals can occur in a highly bio-available state only recently known to modern science and are identified by this name.  Ormus appears to cause life to attain more of its potential perhaps by assisting communication between cells in biological systems and between the body and spirit. 

[Authors Note: This is a report of pioneering research to observe the effects of Ormus on a bird body using  thermographic comparison before and after Ormus.  The results reveal distinct differences, which the researchers believe warrants further study.]




Awareness of the Ormus material covers the globe.  Many hear about Ormus while surfing the Internet, reading Internet Forums or listening to specific radio programming and become intrigued. A learning process often begins with self-study and includes the basic elements of examination, reflection, knowledge, understanding and sometimes progresses to a more guided study.  After the trail of discovery many describe an enjoyment in the knowledge and some describe a life-change.  Some have the more exceptional feelings of a shift in the level of conscious [L.O.C] where a type of clarity in thought occurs which affects the reaction to routine events in a positive way. When this occurs they describe how life seems to have lost the "bad" and gained the "good".


The feelings that have been described by these people include a realization how they occupy a place within "universal energy".  This is an energy postulated to surround “all”; Some have called it God, the God Force, the Zero Point, Super light, Ether, Tachyons, the ever-present, ever-changing, always in motion All or simply It.  The results they describe are sensations of spiritual connectedness or "oneness" with the universe, feelings of peace along with contentment and that their lives appear more workable or easier.  



"Ormus in a Companion Bird" is a study performed on a Lory parrot during spring 2010.                                                         




Cricket, the pet of one of the authors, is a Duyvenbode parrot born Aug 22, 2009. A decision was made to offer Cricket the Ormus material.  Two small containers of approximately 45ml drinking water, one with 5ml of Ormus added were placed side-by-side in the cage. The Ormus chosen for the bird had been collected from dissolved sea salt.  This form of Ormus is liquid droplets in suspension (versus solid particles such as earth particles held in a suspension of muddy water.)  An Ormus collection process produces this form of liquid suspension. 


For the first few days the bird was observed for its reaction to the containers of water.  Cricket promptly, actively and energetically chose the Ormus-infused water. The bird preferred the Ormus-infused water over plain water.




It was desirable to feed the Ormus directly without dilution in drinking water so that the amount consumed could be more accurately known.  However the diet of a Lory comprises nectar and fruit and tastes sweet and it was unknown whether the bird could freely ingest a substance which tastes salty and a bit like thinned Milk of Magnesia. 


An oral baby syringe filled with 2.5ml of Ormus was presented to the bird with a large droplet dangling from the tip.  Cricket's long bottle-brushed tongue inquisitively reached out to the droplet and then ate it. 


The bird continued to ingest the Ormus as the plunger was depressed and once the barrel emptied began to lap at the end with expressive behavior.  Body language suggested she wanted more however common opinion regarding Ormus dosage in animal is eight drops per five pounds of body weight. 







Thereafter the bird eagerly consumes 2.5ml to 3ml of Ormus per day procured from  When the barrel is empty the bird always energetically laps at and bites the end of the tip.


The bird’s behavior is observed to change when the owner says the phrase : “I want Ormus”.  Regardless of where she is situated: kitchen counter, shoulder or cage she stops what she is doing and watches the activity of procuring the Ormus.  If she is outside the cage she may crouch low with partially spread wings, fluff the feathers on them and slowly trundle about in small circles.  She may fly to the shoulder, extend fluffed wings and shake her cheek against the caregiver or reach around and touch the human's lip.


The bird quickly approaches the bottle that contains Ormus and when the cap is removed grabs it from the fingers to lap at liquid that coats the inside. Next she reaches to the top of the uncapped bottle and laps inside the collar.  [Note: Not hygienic—do not do this with your bottle of Ormus.]  When the oral baby syringe appears the bird bites and laps at its end.  The body language is direct: She wants the Ormus and 2.5ml-3ml has yet to satisfy. Once the syringe is emptied the bird laps/bites its tip and when it is clear to her that there is no more, turns her attention to inside the collar of the uncapped stock bottle….


After taking Ormus, the bird/human interaction rises dramatically.  The bird immediately begins to play with the cords of a drawstring hood—first the left cord then the right, then marches to the writing paper folding the pages with her beak followed by a climb to the human's chin, now the shoulder, next she shakes her head into the owner's hair, marches down to the hand, nibbles at the thumb, again bends the edges of the paper, crosses to the other side of the notebook, plays with the spiral binding, performs a quick preen job on feathers, crawls back up to the drawstrings of the hood, then down to play with the clicker on the pen.  Thirteen rapid-paced bird/human interactions are observed within 7-8 minutes. The level of activity displays passionate bird/human open-lines of communication. 


Many believe the presence of Ormus facilitates positive effects and enables life to reach a fuller measure of biological potential.  It may also strengthen the physical mind and allow it to expand towards full potential.  Left and right brain coherence tests on human after Ormus have been performed by various researchers and display increased coherence. Increased brain coherence is associated with intelligence and other positive effects. 


The change observed in the bird after Ormus includes a major increase in physical vibrancy and a shift in the mind that cause a desire to interact. Interaction between biological entities is a form of communication which at the highest level promotes the feeling of connectedness.  It may be that after Ormus the bird displays through its thirteen interactive actions the sensation of connectedness as explained earlier. Thus in a visually observable manner the birds physical and mental life appears to benefit and reach a fuller measure of its potential.



As a result of the increased activity caused by Ormus a study was begun using an infrared thermal imager.   The working hypothesis was that energy signature in a bird body may change after ingestion of the Ormus material and record as change in heat [temperature].


 Infrared (IR) technology was discovered in 1800 by British astronomer Sir William Herschel.  Advances in the use of the technology include infrared sensors that do not require a direct contact with the subject.  The new technique of infrared imaging offers equipment with High Resolution, Digital conversion, Color visible images, Improved Sensitivity and the units are affordable, smaller and fully mobile.  Medical infrared technology (MIT) has been recognized by the American Medical Association council as a feasible diagnostic tool since 1987 and recently acknowledged by the American Academy of Medical Infrared Imaging.  Infrared thermography is a non-invasive, non-radiating detection tool that provides real-time information with instant feedback.  


This technology, also called thermal imaging, thermography or D.I.T.I. (Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging) detects and then records energy signatures caused by heat patterns or temperature changes in objects.  All objects in the universe emit radiation in the infrared region as a function of their temperature.  As an object becomes hotter [warmer] it emits more intense infrared radiation and it radiates at a shorter wavelength. In biological systems the thermal images are based on the amount of energy [heat] emitted from tissues then dissipated at the surface by infrared radiation energy.  We cannot visually detect infrared rays (radiation) but infrared detectors do. 


The equipment is called a thermal imager and is also referred to as infrared imager, thermal camera, or infrared camera.   This equipment scans and receives information within a particular window of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum and converts it into electrical signals.  These signals display in either gray shades or colors which represent temperature values that relate back to the infrared radiation energy signature of the subject.  Images that are displayed with color correlate to a color-based scale that ranges from blue to red and provide a visual link with the temperature distributed in that defined region. Detailed specifications of the infrared imaging equipment used in this study follow the report. 


Thermal imaging is one of several imaging modalities within the electromagnetic spectrum.  The majority of these record the electromagnetic radiation frequencies and provide images that detail anatomical information. In addition to infrared these modalities include MRI Imaging, Ultrasound, Arthroscopy, UV-Radiation, X-Ray and Scintigraphy. 


Infrared technology graphically maps and displays thermal patterns in cutaneous skin surface temperature and can show with reliable, sensitive and objective means even subtle changes in physiological and metabolic processes.  These include change in blood flow, which in turn can affect skin temperature.  This may in some manner suggest psychological changes as well. 

Changes in physiological and metabolic processes show as asymmetries in temperature distribution on the surface of the body. Consequently, if temperature fluctuation occurs after Ormus its presence serves as an indicator of altered biological activity.  Displayed below is a color-based scale utilized in the report.  The bottom of the scale begins with the coolest temperature which presents as violet and rises to the top of the scale with the color white which signifies the highest heat recorded.  In between these two end-point colors are observed shades of blue, green, yellow and red.  Each color has an attributable temperature range associated with it.  The range of recorded temperature in this study is 72°F to 96°F.  A temperature can be displayed at any point in the thermal image once the area is flagged.


The images that display using thermography are evaluated on parameters which include Pixel Resolution, Thermal sensitivity, Accuracy and Repeatability.  Pixel Resolution in the imager used in the study is considered high at 640x480 (307,200). This allows an ability to zoom into the scene and maintain good image quality. 

Thermal sensitivity is the sensitivity of the thermal imager to record the results pixel by pixel and this parameter defines how well the camera will image as you increase image contrast.  Thermal sensitivity allows the ability to review information in one section in an image and compare the results in a different section in the image.  The thermal sensitivity of the imager used in this study is excellent.   

Repeatability in this thermal imager is excellent.  The imager displays little or no variation in image if the test is repeated for the same operating conditions.  It is when repeatability is excellent that the ability to analyze the change between thermal images is allowed. 

Accuracy in a thermal camera refers to the imager's ability to provide an absolute temperature value of specific areas within an object.   The temperature value that records in the image is dependent on a number of factors. First the display of an accurate temperature is affected by the distance the object is from the imager.  Precision in the temperature value decreases as distance between the camera and object increases.  Secondly interference caused by reflections from other surfaces can affect the recorded temperature value.  In addition an absolute temperature value may be hindered by the objects ability to emit thermal radiation.  This is called the emissivity coefficient [thermal radiation] of an object and it can affect the absolute temperature value recorded in the image.  For example Silver has a low ability to emit thermal radiation and asphalt emits a great amount of thermal radiation. The accuracy of many thermal imagers including the one used in this study is +/- 3.5°F.  

The thermal imager used in this study as well as thermography in general has excellent thermal sensitivity and repeatability.  The color-based images display asymmetries in temperature distribution and temperature fluctuation that find use in many commercial and industrial applications.


An investigation began to determine if quantitative change in energy signature and pattern within the bird body after Ormus could be detected by comparing the variation of response using infrared detecting equipment.  If there is a measurable change in the image, the data can be analyzed.  Thermographic images were taken of the bird before Ormus and 20 minutes after Ormus with infrared detecting equipment. 





The thermal images that follow display the back of the bird before and after Ormus. Observe the infrared changes before Ormus [Fig 1] and after Ormus [Fig 2].  A review of the thermal images show that energy signatures in the bird did change. (Authors Note: Thermographic images of bird before and after Ormus were taken 30 days later and display the same general results.)




   Figure 1.  Thermographic image of back of Ormus-free subject

                 Image courtesy Lazaro M. Gonzalez Licensed Thermographer



   Figure 2.  Thermographic image of back of subject taking Ormus

                 Image courtesy Lazaro M. Gonzalez Licensed Thermographer




Before Ormus [Fig 1] shows an energy pattern shaped as a small tight core enveloped within other energy signatures that are more diffuse.


After Ormus [Fig 2] the core of the energy signature and energy signatures which envelope it have significantly decreased in length and breadth.  The energy signatures have "quieted" and the thermal images record the change as a reduction in temperature. This displays in the image as change among the colors and within shades of the colors.  The scale next to the image display the temperature range associated with each color.   A marker is placed in Fig 1 and Fig 2 at the location of the warmest temperature. Prior to Ormus [Fig 1] the temperature in the warmest area of the bird recorded 95.2°F and after Ormus [Fig 2] the temperature at the marked area recorded 93.3°F. While the 1.9°F decrease in recorded temperature lies outside the thermal imagers +/- 3.5°F accuracy its superb pixel by pixel thermal sensitivity displays colors in  Fig 2 which illustrate a noticeable decrease in the intensity of the energy signatures which does correlate with the decrease in temperature that was recorded.


Energy signature observed in bird after Ormus is opposite to the effect observed in human after Ormus.  Thermographic images of a human body after Ormus display increased energy signature and increased temperature and this is detailed in the pioneering report: "Thermographic Comparison of a Human Body before and after Ingesting Ormus"


The observation carries wide-range implication.  Thermal images of bird after Ormus display a change in skin surface temperature opposite those seen in a human body.  This area of research warrants on-going study.  Thus far the study has been performed one human and one bird.  Further study of Ormus response on a plethora of birds, humans, animals and plants is suggested.  The study can be further divided between subjects who have never ingested the Ormus material and those who have previously taken Ormus                                        




Temperature in a bird typically ranges between 104 to 111°F and this is higher than temperatures found in mammals of similar size.  The higher temperature generated by the body is associated with the ability of muscles to respond to a greater degree, which allow for an increase in muscle strength[1].  This mechanism finds use in the bird’s physiological actions, which include highly aerobic activities such as long-distance migration.  Perhaps this mechanism also carries weighted importance in bird's very well-developed "fight or flight" response.  


The majority of bird species are prey animals.  With fragile anatomy they are small with light-weight hollow bones and harm easily befalls them.  Consequently they remain actively alert and on guard for perceived danger.  This is an acknowledged trait of birds as they are often termed "flighty".  The display of ongoing fight or flight activity is observed as rapid and unexpected movements both when startled and not.  These movements include swiftly hopping left or right, vigorously taking flight or darting about while flying and I speculate that the higher temperature range seen in birds correlates to the ongoing fight or flight activity which energizes its mind and body.  



After Ormus, thermal images display the bird’s temperature in the core of its body has lowered.  Decrease in energy signature which displays in the thermal image as lowered temperature may relate to a belief about the Ormus material that is held by many. 




A belief concerning the Ormus material is that in its presence an increase in coherence or communication occurs among cells in the body.  A greater flow of information arises followed by enhanced life-sustaining and life-promoting biological activities. There is also increased coherence in the brain which may lead to a balancing effect in the mind and cause a greater ability to focus.  In a companion bird which experiences greater coherence there can be a calm mind able to discern the safety that is within the caregivers home and decrease its ongoing fight or flight activity.  The bird becomes free to expend energy on play or on interactions.  In freeing the bird's mind of energy spent on unnecessary fight or flight, the life of the animal has been promoted.  The effect after Ormus in thermal images visually express this benefit.  The pictures display a quieting in the energy signatures and this relates to the increased calm observed in the actions of the bird.  Reduced energy flow causes lowered body temperature and this is observed as a color change in the image.  




Three persons were present to observe the bird's behavior.  The bird was friendly, observant and energetically darted to her cage-top, the dining table and from one person to another.  It was a challenge to procure an image as her actions were unfocused and we could not garner her attention or hold her thought. Her usual toys: balls and wooden clothespins held no interest or if they did, it was for mere seconds.  In describing the event we might use a term commonly verbalized about birds: Cricket was being “flighty”. 


Before Ormus unfocused (ungrounded) flighty behavior is observed and the researchers were not able to garner the bird's  attention as she vigorously darted from cage-top to one person then another and the dining table.  The bird was also not able to hold thought as she paid little or no attention to her usual toys.  




Immediately after Ormus, the bird became very interactive with her surroundings in a focused manner.  She played with balls and clothespins by carrying them in her beak as she hopped about. She approached the owner's arm as it rested on the table and snuggled into the fingers of the hand then hopped to the top of the arm before returning to play with toys.  She vigorously played with a toy, often two by rolling onto her back, waving the ball with a foot and holding the wooden clothespin in her beak—all performed with her other foot touching the hand and her body pressed against the caregiver's hand or cradled within it.


 Thermal images of the bird were taken after 20 minutes.  Because the bird became mentally focused after Ormus it was fairly easy to capture the thermal images.  First the author placed a finger on the handle of a wicker basket and the bird hopped/flew to it.  She sat with little motion as images were taken while the caregiver held a hand in the classic "stop" pose of palm raised up and slowly circling while making a quiet “shhhhh” sound.  When a front or side view was required the basket was rotated.  The bird did not move, fly away or appear disturbed.


 After Ormus the behavior of the bird changed.  There is an ability in the bird to focus.  This is considered a mental groundedness and a type of calm: The bird becomes vibrantly focused as described in the section; Bird Eating Ormus and during the study she is calculated and focused while she plays with toys as detailed above. Increase in cellular and brain coherence after Ormus may explain the birds vibrancy and focusing behaviors.   


In addition there is a shift in the mindset of the bird.   This may cause displays in behavior that stem from a feeling of connectedness as explained in the section; History. This conduct  includes vibrant interactions with the caregiver as described in the section: Bird Eating Ormus and tender interactions as detailed above. Increase in cellular and brain coherence after Ormus may explain its vibrant and tender interactions.    






Two observations were made during this study:

1) A change of temperature occurred...

2) Ormus caused a cooling in the bird...


An inverse relationship was seen between the results of Ormus in bird versus results of Ormus in human .  A study of thermographic comparison of human before and after Ormus displayed that Ormus caused a heating in human.


The change of temperature in bird after Ormus in this pioneering study is indicative of a reaction.  Additional tests performed in a controlled environment are required while  hypothesis and theories develop.  Following are my postulations from work performed on this study of bird before and after Ormus:


Thermographic images display how bird reacts differently to Ormus than human. While human and animal contain a physical body, there is an ancient belief that humans also contain a light body [called subtle body, spiritual body, radiant body, astral body or KA]. It is noted that alchemists of the past speak of the language of the birds and believed they had sentient consciousness.  Because consciousness is the seed of the light body some feel that  animals also have a light body.  Others hold that while they may have a light body it might not be as large [developed] as a human's.  Some have suggested that an animal tunes in to its light body to a differing degree than a human.  I think the presence of Ormus may uniquely benefit the light body of human versus bird -each after their own manner- and that this causes the differences that are observed in the energy signatures recorded by thermal imagers after Ormus. This is an area for psychological and social study.


However, it may be that Ormus in bird acts in a similar way as Ormus in human although its actions not interpreted in the same manner.  I propose that the effects of Ormus in bird displays a cause and effect.  An increase in coherence after Ormus within the companion bird, a fragile prey animal which resides in a safe environment results in lowered fight or flight response, decreased energy expenditure and a greater calm all of which display in the thermal imaging as a decrease in energy flow after Ormus.   For the Ormus in human response I suggest several possible hypotheses either alone or in combinations.  First, human is a hardy predator animal with less focus to begin on the fight or flight mechanism and thus displays a more expansive energy flow after Ormus.  Secondly human has a larger light body to interact with which displays in thermal imaging as an increase in energy signatures.  Finally the degree to which human tunes into its light body may affect the quantitative response observed 


I propose that day-to-day stresses of modern life cause natural energy centers in a human to lessen or ebb. An effect after Ormus may include an ability to energize or open these areas.  the result is increased energy flow.  Thermal images display energizing as an increase in size of the energy signatures and change in the color within thermal image which illustrate the increase in body temperature. 




Stories abound in the Ormus community regarding effects observed in animals after Ormus.  Two unrelated cockatiels were given the Ormus material and the owner records that the colors of the feathers on the birds changed.  The feathers on one of the birds became a brighter yellow and orange, while the other bird became darker gray.  It has also been recounted how animals in the home were offered water choices to determine which ones they preferred and they consistently chose water that contains Ormus over plain water. An aquarium that contained only plants and pond snails-no fish-received the Ormus material and the owner reports that within a couple weeks the snails were noticeably larger and observed to swing their shells back and forth as if dancing.  Drops of Ormus were added to a bowl that contains a Siamese Beta fish and the fish was observed to swim around and through the drops as they dispersed. A horse freely accepts Ormus offered via an oral baby syringe and the owner describes a certain type of calm in his already calm demeanor.  On the following visit the horse  cantered to the owner upon sight--an action never previously observed.



From this study and these stories it appears that Ormus benefit animals and they actively choose it.  The thermographic images of a companion bird after Ormus record a change in energy flow which may carry a significance that relates to the effect after Ormus in biological systems.  This area of research displays an important aspect of Ormus and warrants further study.


The path is open to all for personal exploration, research and study of Ormus in animals.  In this way insights may occur, conclusions drawn and life of animals enriched. The Ormus material is readily available from alchemists and its collection easily learned during an "Ormus Lab day" or detailed in the book "Ormus Modern Day Alchemy Primer of Ormus Collection Processes" Reference Edition.  With the entrance of Ormus into life an exciting journey which some have described as a great adventure has begun!


For more information on the ORMUS material and its collection methods visit and on the Internet. To learn about Ormus Lab Days contact





Following are specifications of the infrared imager used in this study.


Bird after Ormus

Camera Model


Camera Serial Number


DSP Version


OCA Version



Lens Description


Calibration Range

-7.6°F to 257.0°F

















Report by:



Lazaro Michael Gonzalez

Lazaro's Green Service, LLC.




1)      Bird Respiration and Metabolism by Denise Paduano  published 9/16/2009

    Special thanks to Amanda Villacreses